

The history of the development of our company is the history of the development of our CEO and founder, Lauren Holmes, and her scientific breakthroughs for achieving beyond one’s potential.

Frontiering™ can now offer everyone a biologically maximized career because of Lauren’s decades of experimentation in the lives of a multitude of clients who were predominantly multinational executives but also entrepreneurs and those with an exceptional talent.

Lauren created a number of leading-edge companies to push the envelope on every aspect of career management:

In her early career, she became a leadership expert as a change leader in large blue-chip companies.

She increased her study of leadership by heading an executive search firm dedicated exclusively to the recruitment of change leaders in large global multinationals.  Her focus was on Board and C-suite recruitment.

Interviewing hundreds of change leaders back-to-back led her to discover that their success was due to very different means than those touted by today’s leadership development books and programs.

She discovered that natural leaders operate as an extension of the biological maximizing machinery continuously adapting living systems for survival.  Human beings have evolved to operate in sync with this external machinery.  Unfortunately, cultures have taught us to detach.  However, natural leaders remain attached.  Cultivated leaders rediscover this connection.

As our company name suggests, we specialize in enabling clients to scale new frontiers to advance our world.  Managers run what exists.  Leaders penetrate new territory or bring the new into existence.  Frontiering™ is the new leadership in today’s fast-changing world.

The next natural evolution for Lauren was to executive coaching for C-suite executives in these large multinationals.

Since many of her executive clients remained with her for 5 to 20 years, this executive coaching expanded to executive career management to look after all of their needs:  proactive job search and job creation, outplacement, agency representation, board placement, proactive contract placements, executive and leadership development, and so on.

As an adept strategist, Lauren gradually began designing and inventing the jobs, ventures, companies, frontiers, and contexts in which her executive clients could achieve their greatest career success. Since she also happened to be a professional project manager by education and inclination, Lauren ended up implementing these ideal career contexts for her clients. She was able to provide career-making breakthroughs that would put them on the map.

At this point, she created Frontiering in 2002 to dedicate herself to experimentation with the application of the biological maximization science that had gradually emerged from her career maximization work being juxtaposed with her biological anthropology degree.

Her explorations have resulted in scientific breakthroughs which have raised the bar on human potential. Rather than treating clients as separate biological entities, she showed them how to capitalize on the fact that they are part of a massive biological system of systems which could be harnessed to increase their ability to achieve.

Lauren then has progress through change leadership to executive search to executive coaching to executive career and work consulting, to corporate consulting, to career management, to co-execution in the achievement of often world-changing goals but certainly career-changing and life-changing ones.

We at Frontiering are ready and waiting to help you to achieve your greatest possible legacy. We are about action. We are about achievement. We are about initiating natural processes to upgrade client functionality and their baseline level of performance. We are about delivering a biologically maximized career. We deliver the means to achieve beyond your potential. Is there any better goal for your life?

Books by Lauren Holmes
LinkedIn Profile for Lauren Holmes
Frontiering is the new Leadership


The Secret Career Strategy of the World’s Most Successful Executives
The New Career Maximums – Part One
The New Career Maximums – Part Two
Sourcing your Savant: Hyper-Focus your Career on your Genius